The trend towards a standard requirements interface is gathering momentum, allowing users to use requirements information across multiple tools, some of which are not requirements management tools.
Most RM tools are focused on either requirements definition or requirements management. It is important that potential customers understand the different between the two activities. Requirements definition is focused on gathering user needs and analyzing these needs to create a consolidated set of user requirements. This is just the beginning of the requirements effort. 90% of organizations today are still using Word to document their business and user requirements. Many requirements management tools today focus on providing a way to leverage existing requirements information that is provided outside of the tool, in particular a tool like Word. Other requirements management tools that are focused on this effort provide more functionality related to the elicitation process and provide methods to document actor and object names, create use cases, and document high level test plans.
Requirements management today involves very complex models to handle conditions such as multiple variations on the same basic project, reuse of components across projects, variants in reused components, and multiple release of each project. This complexity is not handled by many requirements management tools on the market today, especially those focused on the requirements elicitation activities.
IRQA is a state-of-the–art tool that has been able to meet many of the demanding needs of customers today. Although providing true requirements management support, it is not a heavyweight from an administration or cost perspective. It is simple to download and install and uses a standard database. The graphical view it provides to organize your project information is a new approach from a requirements management tool that allows users to easily visualize and create an information structure. If you are looking for a tool to handle some of the complex conditions mentioned in the previous paragraph then you should check out IRQA from Visure Solutions.
By: Marcia Stinson